Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Britney Spears doesn't exist.

So, I was listening to Til The World Ends by the aforementioned Ms. Spears just before. Good song, pretty awesome imagery on the video, same old same old. As I was listening (and awkwardly dancing along), I went on wikipedia and started reading about her new album, Femme Fatale. While reading the critical response to the album, something stood out. Pretty much every critic that didn't like the album pointed out that Britney's voice is what makes the least difference in the album, being utterly unremarkable and heavily auto-tuned. Now, I'm not gonna go all crazy Britney fan on you guys, but I say, so what? The songs are still good, what difference does it make if she's singing them or not?
The way I see it, Britney, for all the shit she does and her unmatched talent to embarrass herself, sells. Her songs ARE good. They're good, honest, unashamed pop. But as opposed to Gaga, Madonna or others like them, Britney's songs don't have anything to do with the art of music. Britney is not an artist. I daresay she's not a singer. She's image. Not even a image, but just image. Her producers literally made the Britney that's on magazines, on the cover of albums, "singing" her songs. The real Britney is that chick going to the store at 4 am to get some Cheetos.
And there's nothing wrong with that. Truth be told, one of the reasons why I love Gaga is because she is truly artistic. She is very much a singer, very much a composer, very much a performer. She's talented, trained and capable, and I love that. But Britney (the image of Britney at least) has her merits too. She has released 7 albuns, and not a single one of them hasn't got at least one song that we all know. Most of us probably know the songs by heart. There's no denying, bitch is good at making pop songs. Even if it isn't her making them.

1 comment:

  1. Very few people really get what's going on with "britney"... It finally hit me when I was listening to "Inside Out"... the concept that it isn't britney spears singing at all. Check out this blog too, Puts the idea into a more elaborate perspective...

